WordPress Website - Step 1 - Building A Free WordPress Site

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best free porn sites - https://www.skynlondontantricmassage.com/. In this article I would like to explain the easiest way to build a WordPress website for yourself. This is a very simple process and can have you up and running on the internet very quickly.

The first decision you need to make is how you want to host your WordPress website. There are two options available to you. The first option is to host your website with WordPress and is 100% free. The second option is to have your WordPress website hosted by your own provider. I highly recommend having your WordPress website hosted by your own provider but there are varying costs involved.

You will have to purchase a domain name-

1. Varying costs depending on who you purchase from and the time period you purchase for.

2. I recommend purchasing a domain name for a minimum of two years because you will get ranked higher in the search engines and it is a onetime fee for period you select.

and you will have to purchase hosting-

1. Varying costs depending on the hosting provider you select and the plan you decide to purchase. These are generally monthly fees.

2. I highly recommend using HostGator for your WordPress website because of the tremendous support they give to their clients.

Now let me quickly explain the difference between the two options. Option 1 will give you a website URL (what people enter in their browser bar to go to your site) that will look like this your_website_name.WordPress.xxx and option 2 will give you a website URL that will look like this your_website_name.xxx (or instead of the.com you might choose a.net or.org). With option 2 you have much more control over your website and also obtain much better rankings in the search engines.

Now it is time for you to make a decision on which option meets your needs. I will now explain the steps you need to follow for the free option in this article. My next article will explain option 2.

Option 1- Free WordPress Website

1. Go to website in your browser.

2. Click on Sign up now button.

3. Type the name you want for your website in the Blog Address box (I recommend using your name or company name. You can only use letters, numbers, dashes (-) and periods (.) in this box. If it shows the name you have chosen is in use you can just try another or add more characters.

4. Select whether you want a WordPress.com, WordPress.net or WordPress.org by Clicking on the arrow in Blog Address box and highlighting the one you want. I recommend using the WordPress.com.

5. Type what you want your username to be in the username box. This will be your username to sign into WordPress and work on your site.

6. Select a password and type it into the Password box. Use anything you want but try and mix numbers, letters, and capitals to assure the best security.

7. Retype exactly the same thing you used in the Password box into the Confirm box.

8. Type the e-mail address you want to receive information from WordPress into the E-mail Address box.

9. Be sure and write down or save on your computer your username, password and email address because you will need this information later.

10. Now you have the option to check the Subscribe to our blog to learn about new themes, features and other news box. This is your decision but I recommend checking it.

11. Now I recommend clicking on the blue fascinating terms of service link and reading what WordPress's terms are.

12. Click on the Sign up button.

13. Now you will have to go to the e-mail address you used and look for the e-mail you will receive from WordPress.com and click on the confirmation link to activate your account.

14. Congratulations you have created your WordPress website in 13 simple steps and are now ready to start adding content. I will give further directions in following articles and videos.