Tips For Making A Jewelry Business A Successful One

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When it comes time for you to start shopping or selling jewelry, you may want to know where to begin, as there are many things to consider when buying or selling this type of commodity. The tips in this article can provide you with what you need to know to buy or sell jewelry.

If you have metal allergies, make sure to purchase nickel free jewelry. Nickel is a common alloy that is mixed in with precious metals such as sterling silver earrings silver to make them more pliable. Silver itself is very liquid in its original state and therefore not substantial enough to be properly molded into jewelry. Oftentimes, another alloy such as nickel is added. Make sure you check what you are purchasing to make sure it is nickel free.

Attending yard-sales is a great way to build up a collection of jewelry. Many people sell old costume jewelry for practically pennies. This is a perfect opportunity to stock up on broken pieces that can be repaired or made into new jewelry later. Many new beautiful pieces of jewelry can be born of old broken pieces. Use yard-sales to build up your collection.

If you are shopping unmarked sterling silver jewelry, then by all means bring a magnet. As a precious metal, silver should never be attracted to a magnet. You will always find a hallmark stamp such as ".925" or "STER." on genuine sterling, or alternately, it might simply say, "STERLING". If there is no marking on the piece, it may not be sterling silver.

What style of jewelry you choose for your wedding should be influenced by the style of your dress. If you have a high neckline then you can forgo a necklace and instead have drop earrings with a lot of sparkle. Long sleeves will usually mean you don't want to wear a bracelet.

To best protect the investment you made in your jewelry purchase, take care of it. Do not wear it when you do something like cleaning your house. If you do this, the chemicals you expose your jewelry to could harm the precious metals and stones. It's likely worth the minute that it takes to remove it.

May's birthstone is the intense green stone known as emerald. If you truly want to express your devotion to a certain special person, be prepared to pay dearly as this particular stone is very hard to come by. Fortunately, emeralds can be created in a lab and are a gorgeous and affordable alternative that would make an ideal pendant or right-hand ring.

Save your broken beaded necklaces to give them new life. Do not let them fill a sacred box in your bedroom. Go in your bathroom and grab the dental floss. Use it to restring your necklace and it will likely last longer than the original string lasted on the piece.

To dress up a knit top or a T-shirt, pair it with a long necklace that has a simple style. Long necklaces will add visual interest to your top, but keeping them basic will prevent them from overpowering your look. Try wearing thin layered necklaces or a necklace with a Y-shape.

If you have some fine jewelry or heirloom jewelry whose value you want to protect through insurance, it is wise to take excellent pictures of these pieces and to have an appraisal done by a professional. Make sure that the pictures you take are good, quality ones. Using a flash when taking these pictures will not lead to good pictures of your jewelry. It is best to capture a picture of your precious jewelry under soft, diffused fluorescent bulbs.

Even though some people use toothpaste to clean their gold, silver or gemstones, jewelers do not recommend this practice. The abrasives in toothpaste can scratch the surface of precious metals and gemstones. To restore the jewelry back to its original, unscratched condition will require buffing and refinishing by a professional fine jeweler.

When you are purchasing a piece of jewelry, an important thing to consider is the return policy of the store. By looking into the return policy of the store, you can be more certain in the quality of the item you are purchasing if you are not satisfied after your purchase.

As the beginning of this article mentioned, jewelry has been a part of mankind for thousands of years as a great adornment for outfits. Jewelry makes a lasting statement and shows a great deal of your personality. Apply the tips from the article above to go on your way in becoming an expert in selecting the right jewelry choices for you and others.