Do Not Be Co-Dependant - It s Very Unattractive

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Have you ever seen the spouse who are able to not do anything without their mate? They always need to be together no matter what the situation is. If its guys poker night she desires to know why its not couples poker night? If its girls margarita night, he desires to join the party and you have him ruining the fun for everyone else.

Being co-dependent is not cool.

Usually this less than attractive character trait is developed because the person lacks self-confidence or is quite jealous of course. Both of these flaws must be diligently worked on to be corrected.

I think most people would agree that being co-dependent is not a good way to be. Even people that are co-dependent will trust that. Nevertheless , most of those people do not feel they suffer with this character issue.

Usually counseling and clear communication with their significant other will dramatically help the problem if not solve everything together. Sometimes it's fixed automatically as a person grows up and matures.

Other times its harder to resolve. Like I said before many people that are co-dependent don't think they are. These are obviously the biggest challenges and usually the ones that would be the worst offenders. Providing simple, low pressure examples usually helps them realize what they do and how it is perceived by the others.

The bottom line is if you're or know someone who is co-dependent your debt to your self and them to guide them towards a better way. Besides that you don't want to be the person that everyone is talking about when you are not there. Do you?

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