Maximising Your Bankroll With Poker Rakeback And Referrals

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Like the majority of players, when I first started playing online poker previously I knew nothing about rakeback. I saw an ad for a poker room, clicked the link, liked what I saw and signed up. Several months later I stumble across an article on rakeback and found out that I was missing out on a huge selection of dollars each month. As you can imagine, I wasn't too happy.

So just why didn't my poker room tell me about rakeback? The simple reason is profit. Paying rakeback reduces the profit margin of the home. With that being the case, you might ask why they bother offering rakeback at all, especially if they aren't likely to be upfront about it? It's because rakeback is a marketing tool. You see, poker rooms get their members from two main sources. The first is direct referrals. These members find the site by recommendations, through merchandising material or via marketing campaigns created by the poker room itself. This is one way the majority of people first find a poker site, the unfortunate masses who in the course of time learn about rakeback the hard way after many months of playing.

Alternatively, members can be generated by affiliates of the poker room. Affiliates are people the site has enlisted to send internet traffic to them. Affiliates because of their part, come in two flavours. There are affiliates who simply send traffic to the site without offering any out-of-pocket incentives to get visitors to join. They simply promote whatever the room itself may offer. Then there are affiliates who provide prospective members with extra benefits for signing up through their account. These benefits can include free tournaments, merchandise, free bankrolls and/or rakeback. All of these incentive are payed for directly by the affiliate. Poker rooms in turn compensate affiliates by paying them a commission for each new player they send. This commission is either a straight money value payment for the each new member joining the site or an ongoing percentage of the rake generated by the player. This of course reduces the profit margin of the space and as such they might greatly prefer it if every player came directly to their site.

So basically, rakeback is a marketing tool that the more generous affiliates employ to generate players for the poker room. These affiliates make less as paying rakeback reduces their profit significantly, the same way that paying an affiliate reduces the poker room's profit. But it does make for happy poker players and the smarter affiliates know that individuals who receive rakeback generally play more often and therefore are more profitable, which in turn benefits the affiliate in the long run.

But even among rakeback providers, there are things you need to find to ensure you are receiving the best possible deal. Yes, most affiliates offer the maximum amount of rakeback allowed by the poker room but you will find other areas that may further raise your bankroll, among these being referrals.

For individuals who don't know, a referral is a friend or associate who signs up to a poker room under your account. As such, you are fundamentally performing the same service as the affiliate does for the poker room - you have found new players and directing them to the site. Except, in this case, you are sending them to the affiliates site instead of directly to the poker room.

If used wisely, referrals can generate more money for you personally than rakeback. A lot more money. Imagine you know just 5 people who are playing online poker without rakeback and also you get them to subscribe under your rakeback account. On average, each one of these friends play poker as much as you do. Or, alternately, you could know just one or two players who play a greater amount of games than you or at a higher limit. Now put a 4% commission, paid for you, against each of those players. That's 4% of the rake they generate in your pocket, for life. Then add a further. 5% commission, paid for your requirements, for every player that those second tier players refer. Then a further. 2% of the rake for players that the next tier players refer. As you care able to see, there is the potential for a whole lot of extra cash to be manufactured using this system.

Most affiliates offer referral payments in the range of 2-4% in the top tier,. 5% in the second tier and. 2% for the third tier of referrals. Their are however rakeback sites that offer significantly more than these commission rates.

It's also wise to be wary of sites that provide a flat payment for each player referred - eg. send us a friend, get $125. NEVER use a rakeback provider who is proclaiming to offer you flat payment referrals. It might appear attractive to obtain a lump sum all at once, but in the long run you will lose out on significant commissions - perhaps thousands of dollars.

It's also advisable to note that some poker affiliates use underhanded tactics or tricky wording to seem like they are providing you a great deal - like offering you 10% of your friend's "rakeback" rather than his actual "rake". Understand that a player's rakeback will only be around 27-40% of his actual rake, so these sites are only promoting the same 2-4% as their competition.

Another trick rakeback providers use is their offer of "exclusive" monthly promotions. 99% of times this is false advertising - the promotion is usually exclusive to the poker room, NOT the rakeback provider.

For example , a rakeback site might offer $600, 000 in promotions per month. Out of this total, they run $500 worth of exclusive freerolls themselves. The other $599, 500 consists of the rake races, rake chases and freerolls that the poker rooms run themselves - you'd be enrolled in these regardless of whether you signed up through the rakeback provider.

Alternatively, a smaller rakeback provider could offer only $200, 000 in promotions because they provide less poker rooms, but they could have several thousand dollars worth undoubtedly exclusive promotions on offer. If you should be interested in joining a site that provides more value, the more true exclusive promotions on offer, the better.

So it is absolutely a good idea to shop around when trying to find your rakeback provider. Do not just jump onto the first sites you find in a search result. Yes, these are generally the more expensive sites but they only rely on their internet search engine position for new members - i. e. they generally don't offer much added value as they don't need to compete as much.

I hope this article helps in your search for a better deal and good luck at the tables.

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